Let’s See What Quran Says about Discipline ?
Discipline in Quran is mentioned in these verses 3:152; 61:4 (SURA NO:VERSE NO)
I was recently reading English Transliterated In this post am going to cover about what Quran says about Discipline
SURA 3 & VERSE 152 Allah did indeed fulfil His promise to you When we with His permission Were about to annihilate Your enemy,-until ye flinched And fell to disputing About the order, And disobeyed it After He brought you in sight (Of the Victory) which ye covet. Among you are some That hanker after this world And some that desire The Hereafter. Then did He Divert you from your foes In order to test you. But He forgave you: For Allah is full of grace To those who believe.
Meaning : The order was: not to leave the post and strictly to maintain discipline. Uhud was in the beginning a victory for the Muslims. Many of the enemy were slain, and they were retiring when a part of the Muslims, against orders, ran in pursuit. attracted by the prospects of booty. The disobedience seemed at first pleasant: they were chasing the enemy, and there was the prospect of booty. But when the gap was noticed by the enemy. they turned the flank round the hill and nearly overwhelmed the Muslims. Had it not been for Allah's grace, and the firmness of their Prophet and his immediate Companions, they would have been finished.
SURA 61 & VERSE 4 Truly Allah loves those Who fight in His Cause In battle array, as it They were a solid Cemented structure.
Meaning : A battle array, in which a large number of men stand, march, or hold together against assault as if they were a solid wall, is a striking example of order, discipline, cohesion, and courage. "A solid cemented structure" is even a better simile than the usual "solid wall" as the "structure" or building implies a more diversified organisation held together in unity and strength, each part contributing strength in its own way, and the whole held together not like a mass but like a living organism.