What Quran Says About Cowardice ?

Let’s See What Quran Says about Cowardice ?

Cowardice in Quran is mentioned in these verses 3:122; (SURA NO:VERSE NO)

I was recently reading English Translated In this post am going to cover about what Quran says about Cowardice

SURA 3 & VERSE 122 Remember two of your parties443 Meditated cowardice; But Allah was their protector, And in Allah should the Faithful (Ever) put their trust.

Meaning : The two parties wavering in their minds were probably the Banu Salma Khazraji and the Banu Haritha, but they rallied under the Prophet's inspiration. That incident shows that man may be weak, but if he allows his weak will to be governed by the example of men of God, he may yet retrieve his weakness.

Rehan Hanar

My name is Rehan Hanar. I am working as a Software Engineer in Bangalore. I love to keep myself busy in knowing and sharing knowledge. This Blog is also created as one of my platform to share knowledge. You can checkout my youtube channel for awesome content and my portfolio in my official website. facebook instagram youtube external-link

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