Let’s See What Quran Says about Adultery ?
SURA 17 & VERSE 32 Nor come nigh to adultery: For it is an indecent (deed) And an evil way
Meaning : Adultery is not only shameful in itself and inconsistent with any self-respect or respect for others, but it opens the road to many evils. It destroys the basis of the family: it works against the interests of children born or to be born; it may cause murders and feuds and loss of reputation and property, and also loosen permanently the bonds of society. Not only should it be avoided as a sin, but any approach or temptation to it should be avoided.
SURA 24 & VERSE 2 to 10 VERSE 2 : The woman and the man Guilty of fornication, Flog each of them With a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you In their case, in a matter Prescribed by Allah, if ye believe In Allah and the Last Day: And let a party Of the Believers Witness their punishment.
Meaning : Zina includes sexual intercourse between a man and a woman not married to each other. It therefore applies both to adultery (which implies that one or both of the parties are married to a person or persons other than the ones concerned) and to fornication, which, in its strict signification, implies that both parties are unmarried. The law of marriage and divorce is made easy in Islam, so that there may be the less temptation for intercourse outside the well-defined incidents of marriage. This makes for greater self-respect for both man and woman. Other sex offences are also punishable, but this Section applies strictly to Zina as above defined. Although Zina covers both fornication and adultery, in the opinion of Muslim jurists, the punishment laid down here applies only to un-married persons. As for married persons, their punishment, according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be on him), is stoning to death.
VERSE 3 : The adulterer cannot have Sexual relations with any but an Adulteress or an idolatress, And the adulteress, none can have Sexual relations with her but an Adulterer or an idolater; To the Believers such a thing Is forbidden
Meaning : Islam commands sex purity, for men and for women, at all times,-before marriage, during marriage, and after the dissolution of marriage. Those guilty of illicit practices are shut out of the marriage circle of chaste men and women.
VERSE 4 : And those who launch A charge against chaste women, And produce not four witnesses (To support their allegations).- Flog them with eighty stripes; And reject their evidence Ever after: for such men Are wicked transgressors;
Meaning : The most serious notice is taken of people who put forward slanders or scandalous suggestions about women without adequate evidence. If anything is said against a woman's chastity, it should be supported by evidence twice as strong as would ordinarily be required for business transactions, or even in murder cases. That is, four witnesses would be required instead of two. Failing such preponderating evidence, the slanderer should himself be treated as a wicked transgressor and punished with eighty stripes. Not only would he be subjected to this disgraceful form of punishment, but he would be deprived of the citizen's right of giving evidence in all matters unless he repents and reforms, in which case he can be readmitted to be a competent witness. The verse lays down the punishment for slandering "chaste women", which by consensus of opinion also covers Slandering chaste men. Chaste women have been specifically mentioned, according to Commentators, because slandering them is more abhorrent.
VERSE 5 : Except those who repent thereafter And mend (their conduct) For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Meaning : The punishment of stripes is inflicted in any case for unsupported slander. But the deprivation of the civic right of giving evidence can be cancelled by the man's subsequent conduct, if he repents, shows that he is sorry for what he did, and that he would not in future support by his statement anything for which he has not the fullest evidence. Secular courts do not enforce these principles, as their standards are lower than those which good Muslims set for themselves, but good Muslims must understand and act on the underlying principles, which protect the honour of womanhood.
VERSE 6 : And for those who launch A charge against their wives. And have (in support) No evidence but their own, Let one of them Testify four times By Allah that he is Of those who speak The Truth. VERSE 7 : And the fifth (oath) (Should be) that he solemnly Invokes the curse of Allah On himself if he Tells a lie. VERSE 8 : But it would avert The punishment from the wife, If she bears witness Four times (with an oath) By Allah, that (her husband) Is telling a lie; VERSE 9 : And the fifth (oath) Should be that she solemnly Invokes the wrath of Allah On herself if (her accuser) Is telling the Truth. VERSE 10 : If it were not For Allah's grace and mercy On you, and that Allah Is Oft-Returning, Full of Wisdom (Ye would be ruined indeed)
Meaning : The case of married persons is different from that of outsiders. If one of them accuses the other of unchastity, the accusation partly reflects on the accuser as well. Moreover, the link which unites married people, even where differences supervene, is sure to act as a steadying influence against the concoction of false charges of unchastity particularly where divorce is allowed (as in Islam) for reasons other than unchastity. Suppose a husband catches a wife in adultery. In the nature of things four witnesses-or even one outside witness-would be impossible. Yet after such an experience it is against human nature that he can live a normal married life. The matter is then left to the honour of the two spouses. If the husband can solemnly swear four times to the fact, and in addition invoke a curse on himself if he lies, that is prima facie evidence of the wife's guilt. But if the wife swears similarly four times and similarly invokes a curse on herself, she is in law acquitted of the guilt. If she does not take this step, the charge is held proved and the punishment follows. In either case the marriage is dissolved, as it is against human nature that the parties can live together happily after such an incident.